After it finishes, a dialog box will appear to confirm that the device has been encrypted. Depending on the size of the volume, the volume creation may take a long time. This significantly increases the cryptographic strength of the encryption keys (which increases security). The longer you move the mouse, the better (moving the mouse for at least 30 seconds is recommended). Move your mouse as randomly as possible within the Volume Creation Wizard window at least until the randomness indicator becomes green. VeraCrypt will encrypt your device now.Save this password in a secure place: you will need this to decrypt your device. Enter a strong password in the “Password” field and re-type it in the “Confirm password” field.In the “Encryption Options” windows, you can leave the default settings and click “Next”.
Click “Select Device” locate your USB drive from the list displayed (you should select the entry with the letter corresponding to the drive if you find multiple entries for the USB).Select “Standard VeraCrypt volume” and click Next.On Linux and macOS, select “Create a volume within a partition/drive”. On Windows, select “Encrypt a non-system partition/drive”.
If the client is a high-risk user, we should strongly recommend they verify the installer against its PGP signature (available in the downloads page next to each installer) before launching the installation, guiding them step by step with instructions on how to do it. It can be installed in Windows, macOS, and Linux, and it can be downloaded here. The tool we recommend for encrypting entire storage devices is VeraCrypt.
Edit me Encrypt an External Storage Device with VeraCrypt Steps to encrypt a USB drive or other external storage device using VeraCrypt Problem